This week in Tuesday night action will be Song of Blades and Heroes night. I am considering what kind of warband I will bring to the table. I remembered that I had put together a Kobold-only warband using some paper counters downloaded off the interwebs. Using the pre-made Kobold profiles from the Song of Blades and Heroes rules, I created a huge (20+figures) warband. Most of the Kobold units were 15 points or less (300 pts total). I recalled that I used this warband in one battle against Johnny Rod. I don't recall if I won that battle but I do remember the Kobolds fared better than expected. So, today, I searched my storage cabinets again. I found the old paper figs, reorganized the warband a little, and mounted the figs on pennies. The new Kobold Paper Army of Death features 18 stands, one shaman for magical attacks, some shielded warriors who can take advantage of the shield wall formation, and some elite warriors with stealth ability. Some of you may scoff at the ide...
A blog about miniatures game, 3D printing, and other geeky subjects