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Gulf Strike - turns 5 and 6

The "Soviet-Persian War" continues using the Gulf Strike rules .

We have completed turns 5-6 and the tensions are mounting.  More units are summoned to the Middle East to replace the losses and try to get an advantage over the enemy.

Turn 5

  • In the Air, US supports the Iranian ground defenses around Tabriz with bombing attacks from B-52's. Soviet TU-26 Backfire bombers launch from the Yemen base but are intercepted by the F-14 Tomcats from the US carrier. 
  • At Sea, in the Indian Ocean, a superpower carrier duel is taking place. The USS 'Kitty Hawk' launches its squadrons of A-7 Corsair and A-6 Intruder aircraft and attacks the Kiev-class carrier 'Baku'.  The Baku responds with anti-ship missiles and is supported by more missiles from the a nearby DDG destroyer. The Kitty Hawk takes hits but is still in the fight. Meanwhile, the diesel sub continues to blockade the Persian Gulf single-handedly, but a US Los Angeles-class submarine has been chasing it doggedly. Another US SSN sinks a Soviet DDG off the coast of India. 
  • On Land, the Afghanistan Army has crossed the border into Iran. In northwest Iran, Tabriz is under siege from the Soviet 7th Army. In northeast Iran, Mashad is attacked by the Soviet 4th Army. 

Turn 6
  • At Sea, the carrier duel continues with the Kitty Hawk launching its own missiles and putting hits on the Baku. 
  • In the Air, Backfire bombers launch a conventional bombing run on the 1/82nd Airborne division but the attack is ineffective. Another squadron of Backfires fire anti-ship missiles at the USS Kitty Hawk. F-4 Phantoms from the Iranian air forces fly close air support for the ground units defending Tabriz. B-52s bomb the Soviet supply network in northern Iran. The B-52's also bomb the defenses surrounding the Yemen base. 
  • On Land, the Iranian 1st Marine Brigade invades Yemen territory with a bold amphibious landing. The intent is to capture the airfields where the Backfire bombers are stationed. Brutal fighting takes place around the base between the marines and the Soviet regiment left to defend it. The airfield is left operational but Soviet garrison is routed. In the north, Tabriz, Rasht, and Zanjan are besieged by the Soviet blitz. 
The casualties from the US/Iran alliance shown here. Ouch!
More reports to come:


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